Sunday, January 20, 2008

SigmaTel Audio, WaveOut mix, Gateway, & Vista

I came across an issue with my new computer and I blame LAWYERS and the RIAA! ! ! ! From what I have found is that certain companies are not allowing recording what is coming out of the speakers of your computer. The option is disable by default in Vista but on some systems can be enabled this way unless it is not allowed by the audio card manufacturer by not providing it in the driver or hardware.
  • Right-click on the speaker icon on the system tray
  • Select "Recording Devices"
  • In the resulting dialog,ensure that the "Recording" tab is selected
  • In the middle of the dialog, right click on the empty area and select "Show Disabled Devices". The Stereo Mix device will be selected.
  • Right click on the Stereo Mix device and select "Enable".

I can't enable it on my Gateway GM5626 as I have found others have said Gateway and Dell may not allow this. I am sure it is the fear of lawsuits is the reason. I am sure part of the reason there are lawsuits is the amount of music being stolen.

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1 comment:

Martin said...

I have a Gateway Laptop and notebook and have run into this issue. I'm trying to use CamStudio to record my desktop (playin games and stuff and I can't record sound because of these stupid jerks disabling the ability :-(. Have you found any work around for this issue since ur blog? let me know my email duffym at gmail .com